Mmm wet socks… what? Doesn’t that sound good?

Well what if I told you they would also be COLD!

Still no..?

Ok for real, what if I told you that with a pair of cotton socks, a pair of wool socks , and some cool water, you could go to bed with cold wet socks on your feet????

What??? Why is this not appealing?


The Wet Sock treatment has been used for centuries as a hydrotherapy treatment to help reduce the duration & severity of the common cold.

This treatment works via changes in circulation and in lymphatic fluid ,  and can help give the immune system a boost.


Before bed:

1- soak cotton socks in cool water, ring them out so they aren’t dripping.

2- place those cold wet socks on your lovely feet

3- put the wool socks on over top

4- sleep tight!


The discomfort is very short lived –

I’ll take a few seconds of minor discomfort over being sick for longer any day!

The socks should be bone dry by the time you wake up in the morning.


Some will feel drastically better the next day, some have to repeat the wet socks for one or two more nights,

but the purpose is to reduce the severity and duration of a cold.


Have I done it , and had it work for me? Yup!

Does it sound insane ? For sure!

Would you try it? You tell me!




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